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Bahrain’s Minister of Housing and Urban Planning Visits CMEC Group

Release time:2024-07-12 Article source: Reading times: Text size:【A+AA-
Recently, Wang Bo, chairman of China Machinery Engineering Group Corporation (CMEC Group), and Fang Yanshui, general manager of CMEC Group, gave a reception to Amna bint Ahmed Al-Rumaihi, Bahrain’s Minister of Housing and Urban Planning, and Mohammed Ghassan Mohamed Adnan Shaikho, Bahrain’s Ambassador to China. Both sides had in-depth exchanges on more extensive cooperation in Bahrain’s affordable housing market. Li Mingqiang, assistant general manager of CMEC Group, also attended the meeting.
GM Fang Yanshui thanked Minister Amna and the Housing Ministry for their attention to and support in the development of CMEC Bahrain WLL and the smooth implementation of the Sitra project. Mr. Fang said that as Bahrain’s Housing Ministry is one of CMEC Group’s most important customers, the Group would pay full attention to the needs of the local housing and engineering market and engage itself in Bahrain’s projects for people’s well-being, infrastructure construction and industrial upgrading.
Chairman Wang Bo welcomed Minister Amna and the ambassador and thanked the Housing Ministry for its strong support and high confidence in CMEC Group’s smooth operation in Bahrain. Mr. Wang noted that, during the King of Bahrain’s visit to China at the end of May this year, the China-Bahrain comprehensive strategic partnership has been established to offer a historical opportunity for the two sides to conduct more cooperation. CMEC Group also hoped to further implement the gist of the meeting between the two heads of state through the minister’s visit to China, offer better services to expedite improving people’s well-being in Bahrain and ensure that the people can live in safe and comfortable housing as soon as possible, so as to contribute the Group’s wisdom and strength to the Kingdom of Bahrain in making its Vision 2030 a reality.
Ambassador Mohammed thanked CMEC Group for its efforts in building Bahrain’s infrastructure. He hoped that CMEC Group would conduct more cooperation in Bahrain’s AI, automobile, circular carbon economy, medical industry and renewable energy to make greater contributions to the economic and trade cooperation between China and Bahrain.
Minister Amna spoke highly of CMEC Group’s outstanding performance in Bahrain’s Sitra affordable housing project, recognising the delivery of the Sitra phase-I project covering 1,077 homes and supporting utilities, on schedule and with high quality as well as the smooth and efficient launch of the phase-III project. The minister said that through this visit, she gained a deeper understanding of CMEC Group’s global foresight, great technical strength and extensive business areas, looking forward to greater cooperation in multiple fields. She detailed about Bahrain’s current need of public rental housing and the ministry’s policies.
Following the completion of the phase-I project and the launch of the phase-II one, the two sides signed a cooperation agreement on the next phase of affordable housing project, which is scheduled to commence in early 2025.
Heads of relevant departments also participated in the above activities.