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CMEC Group and Bank of China Financing Business Exchange Meeting

Release time:2024-04-17 Article source: Reading times: Text size:【A+AA-
On April 12, CMEC Group and Bank of China held a financing business exchange meeting to share the experience in financing and raise the financing level of CMEC Group’s subsidiaries. The meeting was attended by over 40 persons from the Corporate Banking Department and the International Settlement Document Service Center under the Head Office of the Bank of China, the Transaction Banking Department, Xuanwu Branch and Haidian Branch of BOC Beijing Branch, CAMCE, China Ocean Aviation Group Limited, CACS, COECG, and CNEEC, etc. Representatives of China United Engineering Corporation Limited, China Machinery Industry Construction Group and SIPPR attended the meeting online. The meeting was presided over by Gong Ping, General Manager of the Financial Management Department of CMEC. 
Experts from the structural financing team of the BOC head office introduced in details the latest models and relevant cases of overseas project financing by focusing on topics such as RMB loans for overseas projects, key supported industries and countries, exchange rate risk management, offshore ECA and multilateral financing cooperation among financial institutions.
Experts from the BOC International Settlement Document Service Center and Beijing Branch’s Transaction Banking Department made in-depth explanations on the key points to pay attention to in foreign-related letters of guarantee and letters of credit.
The responsible person of the customer service team of the BOC head office introduced the latest credit approval policy of Bank of China and the package of preferential rate policies for CMEC Group’s member companies, saying that BOC is willing to provide higher quality financial services for the companies.
At the meeting, the participants made in-depth discussions on specific topics in a lively atmosphere, achieving good results. The financing service platform of CMEC Group will continue to conduct financing and fund management business exchange activities with financial institutions, promote resource sharing, broaden financing channels for CMEC Group member companies, increase the level of financing business, and provide strong supports for business development.