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CMEC Group Holds Business Matchmaking Meeting with ADBC Beijing Branch

Release time:2024-04-12 Article source: Reading times: Text size:【A+AA-
On April 10, CMEC Group held a business matchmaking meeting with the Agricultural Development Bank of China (ADBC) Beijing Branch. CMEC Deputy Secretary and General Manager Fang Yanshui met with the delegation headed by ADBC Secretary and President Li Wenwu and Vice President Ma Yu, and the two sides had comprehensive and in-depth exchanges on strengthening cooperation in relevant fields.
Fang introduced the background, strategic positioning, business characteristics and professional advantages of the members of CMEC Group, as well as its latest achievements made in recent years in domestic and foreign markets. He stated that ADBC has established a strategic partnership with Sinomach, providing long-term, strong support for enterprises under Sinomach, and the two sides enjoy a profound foundation for cooperation. CMEC Group operates in a wide range of business areas and expects to cooperate with ADBC in the future from multiple dimensions and different perspectives by relying on ADBC's credit policies, financial products and high-quality resources.
Li appreciated the achievements and professional ability of CMEC Group and introduced the “six areas” that have been prioritized by the ADBC. He said that ADBC is willing to continuously strengthen and expand the cooperation between the two sides, effectively meet the actual needs of enterprises, and break new ground for mutual benefits and win-win outcomes for the two sides. Also, he hoped that the two sides to promote the implementation of projects through the regular communication mechanism for project information exchange. 
After that, the participants of the meeting made in-depth discussions about the cooperation in specific projects. Also present at the meeting were responsible persons of relevant departments of Sinomach and CMEC Group, as well a CMEC New Energy and China National Electric Engineering Co., Ltd. under CMEC Group.