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Wang Bo in Laos for Business Activities

Release time:2024-03-09 Article source: Reading times: Text size:【A+AA-
Recently, Chairman Wang Bo of CMEC Group went to Laos for business activities, accompanying a high-level delegation of China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation (SINOSURE) to inspect the Luang Prabang International Airport project undertaken by CAMCE, a member company of CMEC Group. He held a meeting on the business of CMEC Group in Laos, negotiated with the local cooperative enterprises of the company, and investigated CMEC's project construction and asset operation in the host country.
At the site of the reconstruction project of Luang Prabang International Airport, which has been completed by CAMCE, Wang introduced the construction process, technical highlights and socio-economic benefits of the project to Sheng Hetai, general manager of SINOSURE. Luang Prabang is a world cultural heritage city certified by the United Nations. Since it was completed, the project has greatly improved the infrastructure conditions of the air transport and promoted the development of local tourism. Wang also introduced CMEC Group's rich experience and numerous achievements in the field of overseas international airport construction, and exchanged information with the SINOSURE's high-level delegation on other overseas international airport construction projects currently being developed by the company.
General Manager Sheng Hetai visited the airport's check-in hall, customs security channel and waiting hall, and inspected the operation of the project on the spot, fully affirming CAMCE's efforts in fulfilling the contract with high quality, serving local economic and social development and improving local people's livelihood. He pointed out that SINOSURE, as a policy insurance company, will continue to be policy-oriented and customer-centered, provide targeted professional services, and make new and greater contributions to the high-quality construction of the "Belt and Road" and high-level opening-up together with CMEC Group.
Zheng Zhongping, General Manager of SINOSURE's Strategic Customers Division I, and Zhou Ming, General Manager of SINOSURE's Asset Management Department, participated in the research.
In Vientiane, the capital of Laos, Wang Bo presided over a business meeting of five CMEC enterprises in Laos. At the meeting, Laos-based business leaders of CMEC Group Headquarters (CMEC) and its subordinate CNEEC, member enterprise CAMCE, subordinate IPPR and member enterprise SIPPR reported and exchanged information on their local business, existing problems and work suggestions.
On behalf of CMEC Group, Wang Bo expressed his appreciation and greetings to all the colleagues who have been working diligently in Laos, and pointed out that CMEC Group has been deeply involved in Laos for nearly 20 years and participated in projects totaling about 2.6 billion US dollars, which cover power stations, power transmission and transformation, design consulting and industrial investment, and made important contributions to the local economy, society and people's livelihood.
For the next step of work, Wang Bo raised the following expectations:
·The first is to keep the bottom line of overseas compliance, operate in good faith and contribute to the healthy, steady and sustainable development of China-Laos relations with practical actions.
·The second is to firmly grasp the political attributes of foreign aid work, constantly improve political stance, enhance scientific management of foreign aid projects, and be diligent in performing duties and responsibilities.
·The third is to actively explore innovative project modes by relying on SINOMACH’s powerful scientific research strength and industrial foundation and giving full play to CMEC’s overall advantages in the whole industry chain of project contracting, and build industrial and livelihood projects with their own blood-forming function, so as to boost the high-quality “Belt and Road” construction.
·The fourth is to enhance the collaboration among CMEC’s enterprises, establish the “one-game” thinking, learn from and work with each other to promote the Group’s business in Laos to a new level.
·The fifth is to properly handle the relationship between development and safety, firmly shoulder the responsibility for production safety, focus on the prevention of non-traditional safety hazards, and firmly stick to the bottom line of safety-based development.
During his stay in Laos, Wang Bo made an on-the-spot investigation of the Mahosot General Hospital project designed and managed by IPPR. He also investigated the company's assets in Laos, and held in-depth discussions with local partners.
Deputy General Manager Yan Hailu of CAMCE and heads of member enterprises in Laos attended the above activities.