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Wang Bo Conducts a Series of Business Activities in Turkey

Release time:2024-03-07 Article source: Reading times: Text size:【A+AA-
Recently, Chairman of CMEC Group Wang Bo went to Turkey to carry out business activities. He visited Nevzat Satıroğlu, Deputy Minister of Energy and Natural Resources of Turkey, Liu Shaobin, Chinese Ambassador to Turkey, and participated in the high-level talks between China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation (SINOSURE), CMEC Group and Yildirim Group of Turkey. He also visited a number of large industrial groups of Turkey to have in-depth discussions on project cooperation in industry, investment, financing, and post-project engineering services.
At the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of Turkey
Wang briefed Vice Minister Satıroğlu on CMEC Group's business development in Turkey, and reported on the progress of the projects for some of the enterprises under the Ministry, such as the Bandırma boron carbide project undertaken by CMEC Group (CMEC) and the Tuz Lake natural gas underground storage expansion project undertaken by CAMCE, a member company of CMEC. Wang thanked the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of Turkey and the project owners for their trust in and support to CMEC's business in Turkey, and said that SINOMACH would give full play to its resource advantages in the field of industrialization, take an active part in project cooperation in the fields of industry, energy and mineral resources with the support of various cooperation initiatives between China and Turkey, and make new contributions to promoting economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.
Satıroğlu thanked CMEC Group and its member companies for their contributions to Turkey's industrialization and modernization over the years. He said that the boron carbide project being constructed by CMEC Group will help Turkey fully utilize its rich boron resources after its completion and that the natural gas underground storage expansion project will be the largest of its kind in the world after completed, to play an important role in Turkey's national energy strategy and help ease the tight supply of oil and gas in Turkey. He remarked that those projects are of great significance and have been given great attention by the Turkish government and people. The deputy minister expressed the hope that CMEC Group will work closely with the enterprises under the ministry so that the projects will be ready for operation as soon as possible and contribute to the economic and social development of Turkey. He also hoped that on the basis of the present ongoing projects, the two sides would start more cooperation in other similar projects and fields. 
Also present at the talks were heads of the relevant departments of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of Turkey and the heads of some of the Ministry's enterprises. 
At the Chinese Embassy in Turkey
Wang Bo paid a visit to Ambassador Liu Shaobin and briefed him about the implementation of projects and development of new business of CMEC Group and CAMCE in Turkey. Wang thanked the embassy and the ambassador for their long-term support and guidance to CMEC, which provided a solid backing for Chinese enterprises to explore overseas. Wang said that under the guidance of the embassy, CMEC will continue to shoulder its heavy responsibility as an important central SOE and well manage its business in the Turkish market.
Ambassador Liu expressed his appreciation for the achievements made by CMEC Group in Turkey, hoping it would seize the opportunity of improved Sino-Turkish economic and trade relations, satisfy the needs of Turkey, pay attention to the industries that Turkey focuses on, develop "small but beautiful" livelihood projects, deepen the collaboration with Turkish enterprises, expand third-party market cooperation, and make new breakthroughs in bilateral relations.
Liu Yuhua, Minister Counselor of China in Turkey, attended the talks.
At the Yildirim Group of Turkey
On behalf of CMEC Group, Wang Bo participated in the three-party high-level talks between SINOSURE, CMEC Group and Yildirim Group of Turkey. Zhang Hui, Deputy General Manager of SINOSURE, and Robert Yüksel Yildirim, President and CEO of Turkish Yildirim Group, attended the talks. The three parties held extensive talks on the project of Yildirim Group's Kazakhstan-based soda factory being implemented by CAMCE, as well as on future projects and industries with development potential.
At the meeting, President Robert firstly welcomed the visit of the senior management of SINOSURE and CMEC Group, and said that with the support of SINOSURE, the project of Kazakhstan-based soda plant is being carried out in an orderly manner and has achieved landmark progress. Robert affirmed CAMCE's current project execution, hoping that the three parties will promote full cooperation in the chemical sector while executing the project.
Wang thanked SINOSURE and Yildirim for their trust in and support to CMEC Group, saying that during the whole process from contract signing, project financing, project approval to construction commencement of the Kazakhstan-based soda factory, the three parties communicated efficiently, collaborated innovatively, established mutual trust, and formed a close cooperative relationship, which laid the foundation for joint development of more high-quality projects in the future. CMEC Group and its member enterprises will strictly fulfill their contractual obligations and deliver the project with high quality to give impetus to the host country's economic and social development, he pledged.
Zhang Hui said that Yildirim is a well-known industrial consortium in Turkey, both Yildirim and CAMCE are high-quality clients of SINOSURE, and there is huge room for cooperation among the three parties. The soda plant jointly built by CAMCE and Yildirim is a key underwriting project of SINOSURE, and SINOSURE will, as always, support the cooperation between the two companies in more fields and projects, Zhang promised.
Senior executives of Yildirim Group and heads of SINOSURE's London Representative Office, Market Development Department and Customer Service Department also attended the talks.
During his stay in Turkey, Wang Bo also visited a number of large industrial and commercial enterprises, investment institutions and owners of completed power station projects in Turkey, conducted in-depth discussions on project cooperation in the fields of industry, metal processing, energy, new energy, and after-project services in pollution mitigation and carbon reduction of conventional thermal power projects, and signed the relevant cooperation agreements.
Heads of relevant departments of CMEC and CAMCE attended the above activities.