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Fang Yanshui Visit Hengyang Mayor Zhu Jian

Release time:2024-02-05 Article source: Reading times: Text size:【A+AA-
On February 2, a delegation headed by CMEC Group Deputy Party Secretary and General Manager Fang Yanshui visited Hengyang Deputy Party Secretary and Mayor Zhu Jian at the municipal government of Hengyang. The two sides made in-depth discussions on such topics as deepening cooperation between SOEs and local governments. Also present at the meeting was Zhao Yongjun, Party Secretary and Chairman of SINOCONST, a member enterprise of CMEC Group. 
At the meeting with Zhu, Fang introduced the overall situation and special advantages of CMEC Group, as well as the projects completed by CMEC Group in collaboration with relevant parties of Hengyang over the past years. He said that CMEC Group is willing to leverage its unique advantages in resource integration, internal and external connections, investment and financing, and new industrialization to support the sustainable economic development of Hengyang. 
Zhu affirmed the contributions made by CMEC Group to the global economy, especially to the economic development of Hengyang, and introduced the city's development plans and policy orientations. He said all departments of Hengyang are willing to deepen cooperation with CMEC Group to jointly create a model of cooperation between the central and local governments, and promote win-win cooperation between the two sides. 
Also present at the meeting were responsible persons of CMEC, CMIE and China San’an, as well as relevant departments, commissions and offices of Hengyang municipal government.