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CMEC Convenes 2024 Labor Union Work Meeting

Release time:2024-02-03 Article source: Reading times: Text size:【A+AA-
On January 31, CMEC convened the 2024 Labor Union Work Meeting and the 2th members and employees’ congresses of the 8th committee of the labor union. Guided by the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the participants gained a full understanding of and implemented the guiding principles of the 20th national congress of the CPC and the guiding principles of the 18th Conference of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, comprehensively reviewed and summarized the work of CMEC Group's labor union in 2023, and made plans on the work of the labor union for 2024. The meeting called upon all employees to have firm confidence, forge ahead with the great passion of "second entrepreneurship", to promote stability, improve quality and efficiency for higher stability, and make positive contributions to achieving high-quality and coordinated development of CMEC Group. 
CMEC Group Deputy Secretary Ai Wei attended and addressed the meeting. A total of 70 persons attended the meeting, including members of the 8th committee of the labor union, members of the appropriation review committee, members of the woman staff committee, labor union representatives and employees’ representatives. The meeting was presided over by CMEC Group Labor Union Vice Chairman Zhao Yiyan. 
CMEC Assistant General Manager and Labor Union Chairman Li Mingqiang made a work report titled “Stay True to Our Original Aspiration, Forge Ahead to Write a New Chapter, Unite and Mobilize the Employees to Contribute to the High-quality Development of CMEC Group”. Appropriation Review Committee Director Lin Changjie made a report titled 2023 Report on Labor Union Appropriation Review. The participants carefully listened to and deliberated the two reports. 
Ai Wei, on behalf of the CPC CMEC Group Committee, delivered a speech. She fully affirmed the work of CMEC's labor union in 2023, deeply analyzed the rapidly changing operating environment, scope of vision, technological progress, and employee needs faced by the labor union at present, and proposed the following three key relationships that should be prioritized by the labor union: 
01 The relationship between grand narratives and individual feelings
Labor union work cannot do without grand narratives. We must strengthen leadership by the Party in all respects, make it closely linked with the central work of CMEC Group’s reform and development, and stand together for development. When carrying out the labor union work, we must also take people’s life as the top priority and draw innovation-based wisdom from the people in the process of creation. 
02 The relationship between institutional building and individual development 
Whether the institutional system of an enterprise is rigorous and strict, whether it is closely integrated with the enterprise’s resource endowment and development goals, and whether it can support and promote high-quality development, are important manifestations of the soft power of the enterprise. A rigorous, strict, standardized, and efficient labor union system is also a very important part of the building of China's modern corporate system with Chinese characteristics. However, we must not abandon the beauty of individuality due to the rigor of the system. Institutionalization and creativity are not mutually exclusive, but complementary.  
03 The relationship between group development and individual progress 
Facing the complex and ever-changing external environment, CMEC needs to further build the full industry chain service capabilities centering on new industrialization, consolidate its core competitiveness in the market, play the important role of CMEC Group Headquarters, better drive the integration and synergy within CMEC Group as its headquarters and even within Sinomach. This is not only a requirement for group development but also a requirement for individual vision, position, abilities, and personal development.  
Ai Wei pointed out that to do a good job in the CMEC’s labor union work, we must take a high position, and more importantly, highlight values and work passionately. She urged labor union workers at all levels to be strict with themselves in their career, integrate their goals with those of CMEC, establish the ideal of building a first-class enterprise, think in terms of the broader picture, and readily take responsibility and ably perform their duties. She said that CMEC’s labor union organizations at all levels should become the engine of reform and development of the company, assist employees in growing and making achievements in the cause of reform and development, and make contributions outside the spotlight.
At the meeting, outstanding division labor unions, active members of the labor union and advanced labor union workers for 2023 were commended. 
At the subsequent second employees’ congress, employees’ representatives listened to and reviewed the "2023 CMEC Report on the Use of the Expenses on Business Reception". In addition, all participants of the meeting gained a keen understanding of the general principles of the 18th National Congress of All-China Federation of Trade Unions.