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Yu Xiaoyuan Meets with Yangpu District Deputy Secretary and Mayor Zhou Haiying

Release time:2024-02-02 Article source: Reading times: Text size:【A+AA-
On February 1, Yu Xiaoyuan, Party Secretary and Chairman of COAG, a member enterprise of CMEC Group, met at Beijing with a delegation headed by Zhou Haiying, Deputy Party Secretary and Mayor of Yangpu District, Shanghai. The two sides exchanged views on deepening cooperation in the fields of pharmaceuticals, medical care, and health. Also present at the meeting were Ni Bing, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Yangpu District Committee and Executive Deputy District Mayor of Yangpu District Committee, Xu Zhaoxi, Deputy General Manager of COAG, and Zhang Yi, member of the CPC COAG Committee and Chief Engineer of COAG. 
Yu warmly welcomed the delegation headed by Zhou Haiying, introduced the history, strategic direction, and business operations of COAG, mentioned that COAG will further develop the pharmaceutical, medical care and health businesses in Shanghai, and expressed his hope for deepening cooperation with Yangpu District, so as to take technological innovation as its guide, develop new productive forces and achieve high-quality development. 
Zhou introduced the basic situation, industrial layout, and the development direction of the pharmaceutical, medical care and health sectors in Yangpu District. He said that Yangpu District boasts a good industrial foundation, advanced industrial structure, rich scientific research resources, and strong capabilities in original drug research, gene research, and interdisciplinary medical-industrial development. He warmly welcomed COAG to carry out pharmaceutical, medical care and health businesses in Yangpu District, and hoped that both sides could leverage their respective advantages to deepen cooperation in industrial cooperation, talent introduction, and technology research and development. 
Also present at the meeting were leaders of relevant departments such as the General Office of Yangpu District Government, Investment Promotion Office, Bureau of Ecology and Environment, Health Commission, and Administration for Market Regulation, as well as responsible persons of COAG and its subsidiaries Haihong Industry and Haihong Company (Belarus).