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CMEC Group Holds 2024 Work Conference

Release time:2024-01-16 Article source: Reading times: Text size:【A+AA-
CMEC Group (CMEC) held its 2024 work meeting on January 15. On the basis of studying and implementing the spirit of SINOMACH's annual work conference, the meeting comprehensively summarized CMEC's operation and work in 2023, analyzed the current situation, planned the key tasks in 2024, mobilized cadres and employees to enhance the company's core function and core competitiveness, highlight key points, focus on development, work hard on innovation, strengthen value creation ability, and promote CMEC's high-quality development to a new level after it enters into the stage of substantialized development.
Presided over by Fang Yanshui, deputy Party secretary and president of CMEC, the meeting was attended online or offline by more than 500 persons including Guo Weihua, Wang Yuqi and Huang Guofu, external directors of CMEC; Song Zhiming, director of the Fourth Supervision Office of CMEC and members of the Office; Wang Bo, Party secretary and chairman of the Board of Directors of CMEC and members of the leadership of CMEC; leadership members and department heads of CMEC-subordinated enterprises, SINOMACH Class A and Class B enterprises and their affiliated enterprises; and heads of CMEC overseas branches and overseas project departments.
In his speech titled "Advance with the Times towards a Better Future", Wang Bo comprehensively reviewed the positive results achieved by CMEC in 2023 in substantialized development, and scientifically examined the internal and external situation based on the broader international and domestic context, the trend of the engineering contracting industry, and the new mission of state-owned central enterprises.
For the high-quality development of CMEC in 2024, Wang Bo, closely focusing on the "six firmly grasps" required by SINOMACH Party secretary and chairman Zhang Xiaolun at the 2024 work conference of SINOMACH, put forward specific measures to accurately recognize and adapt to the changes in eight aspects in the light of the actual situation of CMEC.
The first is to stay problem-oriented and summarize the achievements while facing up to the serious situation and problems in the business segment of design consulting and engineering contracting. The second is to strengthen strategic guidance, focus on the Group's main responsibilities and main business, and better serve and integrate into the Group's new mission and orientation. The third is to rely on the Group's industrial advantages and actively serve the country's new-type industrialization while promoting the process of overseas industrialization. The fourth is to actively cultivate and vigorously develop strategic emerging industries. The fifth is to deepen reforms and seek development "momentum" and "dividends" through reforms. The sixth is to strengthen professional capacity and fine management, and improve the company's ability to identify and prevent major risks. The seventh is to enhance internal synergy oriented to value creation and the construction of the headquarters of CMEC Group. The eighth is to consolidate the results of thematic education and promote the rectification of problems pointed out by the central disciplinary inspection group with a high degree of political consciousness.
A ceremony was held during the meeting to release the Strategic Plan 2023-2025 of CMEC Group.
Based on their business performance in 2023, CMEC member enterprises exchanged and shared their views on building a "dual circulation" development pattern, promoting new industrialization, strengthening internal synergy and expanding international operation.
At the meeting, Mr. Wang Bo issued the Letter of Responsibility for 2024 Business Targets to six member enterprises of CMEC, and Mr. Fang Yanshui issued the Letter of Responsibility for 2024 Business Targets to CACS and COECG.
The meeting recognized the units that made outstanding achievements in business development, business synergy and business innovation in 2023, as well as the advanced individuals who significantly contributed to the substantialized development of CMEC Group.
The year 2024 is the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China and the key year for realizing the objectives of the "14th Five-Year Plan". The meeting called for all the cadres and staff of CMEC to fully implement the general requirements of "seeking progress amidst stability, promoting stability with progress, and establishing before breaking" put forward by the Central Economic Work Conference, fully implement the deployment of SINOMACH's annual work conference, take the initiative to act in the face of all kinds of risks and tests, focus on enhancing core functions and core competitiveness, intensify scientific and technological innovation, intensify scientific and technological innovation, accelerate the cultivation of strategic emerging industries, deepen reforms, be bold to be the first, work hard to climb new heights, be tenacious to succeed, and make positive contributions to China's modernization!