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Zhang Xiaolun Holds Talks with Maldivian President Mohamed Muiz

Release time:2024-01-12 Article source: Reading times: Text size:【A+AA-
On the afternoon of January 11, Zhang Xiaolun, Party secretary and chairman of SINOMACH, held talks with President Mohamed Muiz of the Maldives. The two sides witnessed the signing of two MOUs on cooperation in island infrastructure construction in the Maldives and discussed further cooperation. More than 60 people from the Maldives accompanied the delegation to the talks, including a number of cabinet ministers, the president's chief of staff, important business leaders and reporters from mainstream Maldivian media.
Zhang expressed his warm welcome to President Muiz and his delegation, and introduced SINOMACH's history, strategic layout, core business and successful practice in building the "Belt and Road" with high quality. He said that the Maldives has become one of the important overseas markets of SINOMACH, and as a witness and promoter of China-Maldives friendship, SINOMACH will earnestly implement the spirit of President Xi Jinping's important speech that "China is willing to work with the Maldives to continuously expand exchanges and cooperation in various fields, and jointly commit to building a China-Maldives community with a shared future", and take this exchange as an opportunity to actively expand the cooperation between the two sides.
President Muiz expressed his gratitude to SINOMACH for its long-term contribution to the national construction of Maldives. He said that SINOMACH has built a large number of infrastructure projects in the Maldives, which have significantly improved the quality of life of the local people, and SINOMACH is one of the most important and trusted partners of the Maldives. He hoped that through this meeting, the two sides would further develop in-depth and comprehensive cooperation to help modernize the archipelagic country in South Asia.
After the meeting, under the joint witness of both sides, SINOMACH and the Maldives jointly signed the Memorandum of Cooperation on Infrastructure Project Construction on the Island of Ras Malé, and the Memorandum of Cooperation on Infrastructure Project Construction on the Island of Gulhifalhu.
The above two projects are important initiatives of SINOMACH to promote the high-quality development of the "Belt and Road", further tap into the Maldivian market, and help the Maldives accelerate its economic and social construction and improve its independent development capability. SINOMACH will endeavor to implement the eight action initiatives put forward at the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, and push forward the pragmatic cooperation between the two sides to achieve more fruitful results.    
Also present at the talks were Wang Bo, assistant general manager of SINOMACH, Party secretary and chairman of CMEC; Zhang Yu, manager of the Operation and Management Department of SINOMACH; Fang Yanshui, deputy Party secretary and president of CMEC.