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CMEC Gomel No. 1 Thermal Power Station Retrofit Project Smoothly Passes Warranty Period

Release time:2019-07-31 Article source: Reading times: A+AA-

July 30, 2019 marked the ending of warranty period for the permanent equipment of CMEC Gomel No. 1 Thermal Power Station Retrofit Project. Soon, Gomel Energy Company, the owner, issued to CMEC the project evaluation letter and the defect-free confirmation letter.

In the evaluation letter, the owner acknowledged CMEC's efforts to overcome the difficulties of very limited spaces and complicated layout of equipment and pipe networks inside and outside the workshop building, affirming that CMEC had completed its work in accordance with the contract with high quality as scheduled. The owner also highly appreciated CMEC’s quality assurance team headed by Mr. Gao Tao, praising that they had efficiently, professionally, and reliably solved all the problems with the equipment.

CMEC will continue to work hard to fulfill its quality assurance responsibility for the workshop building, and strive for a complete success of the project.