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President Han Xiaojun Visits Belgrano Railway Chairman and Inspects Locomotive Operations

Release time:2019-06-04 Article source: Reading times: A+AA-

On June 3, a delegation headed by CMEC President Han Xiaojun and Vice President Fan Rong visited Belgrano Railway Company Chairman Lemos in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Lemos expressed his warm welcome to the delegation, the history and current situation of the Argentine freight railway, the tremendous changes of the implementation of the Argentine Railway Project to the Belgrano Company and the freight railway system of Argentina, as well as the planning and demands in the future. Lemos said that no matter how the situation of Argentina changes, CMEC, as a strategic partner of the Argentina’s Ministry of Transport and Belgrano, always makes great contributions and gives assistance to the restoration and improvement of the railway transportation of Argentina, and expressed his heartfelt thanks to CMEC.

After listening to the introduction of Lemos, Han first of all thanked Lemos for his support and assistance to CMEC in the process of implementation of the Argentine project, and expressed his congratulations to and admiration for tremendous achievements of Belgrano in increasing shipments made under the leadership of Lemos. Han said that CMEC is an old friend of Argentineans and will give full support to and deeply engage in Belgrano’s grand plan on the railway freight industry of Argentina. Meanwhile, Han further exchanged views with Lemos on the supplementary follow-up work plan on the project as well as the progress of other projects between CMEC and Belgrano. Lemos said that he will try all out to carry out the supplementary plan within the time proposed by CMEC.

After the meeting, the delegation, accompanied by the head of the engineering department of Belgrano, Han visited the Areonsa railway station near Buenos Aires and inspected the locomotives supplied by CMEC to the project.