Company news


General Manager Han Xiaojun Investigates Construction Site of Argentina Belgrano Railway Project

Release time:2019-06-02 Article source: Reading times: A+AA-

On the morning of June 1, after a three-hour trip, General Manager Han Xiaojun and Deputy General Manager Fan Rong arrived at the site of the phase II project of the overhaul of Belgrano Freight Railway Reconstruction Project to conduct an investigation at the construction site of Argentina Railway Project.

In the project site, General Manager Han first listened to the on-site manager of the Argentine Railway Infrastructure Bureau (ADIF), the project contract management party, who reported on the overall planning of the project, the current construction progress and the future benefits of the project. The on-site chief executive of ADIF expressed warm welcome to the arrival of General Manager Han Xiaojun and his delegation and sincerely thanked CMEC for its contribution to revitalizing the railway industry and promoting the local economic development in Argentina. Afterward, Mr. Han checked the long rail welding, foundation treatment, rail assembly, large machine tamping operation, and the line conditions after construction at the project construction site. Mr. Han said that the civil engineering work of Argentina railway has achieved some results, but we still need to continue to do solid work to speed up the progress of the project. He hoped that the implementation of the Argentina railway project can solve the high transportation cost in Argentina and contribute to the economic and social development of Argentina.

At the construction site, General Manager Han also inspected the workplace safety, requiring all employees on the project site to establish a workplace safety management system and safety rules and regulations in line with Argentine safety standards, implement safety management responsibilities, formulate targeted risk prevention measures and emergency plans, strengthen safety training for all overseas employees of the project department, enhance the risk control capability of overseas enterprises, and ensure the personal safety and property safety of overseas institutions.