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Dango Substation Electrified Successfully in South-Central Angola

Release time:2019-04-04 Article source: Reading times: A+AA-
On the afternoon of April 3, with a crisp closing sound of circuit breakers, the 400kV main transformer at Dango station was electrified successfully, which means that the Lauca power transmission line project covering three substations and 398 kilometres of transmission lines has been fully completed and the power generated by the Lauca hydropower station unit has been continuously transmitted to Angola’s vast south-central region.
As the most important substation in the Lauca power transmission line project, Dango Substation also plays a decisive role in Angola’s entire transmission network. In the long-term planning of Angola’s power grid, the 400kV substation not only serves as a link between the energy-rich northern region and the energy-deficient south-central region but also shoulders the responsibility of the dispatching centre in the southern region of the country. The success of the power transmission at Dango Substation has also greatly eased the shortage of electricity in the southern region.
In addition, it is worth mentioning that the successful power transmission of Dango Substation also means that China’s first batch of three-phase integrated magnetically-controlled reactors exported overseas has been put into operation. Five magnetically-controlled reactors are used in Lauca power transmission line project, of which the one with the largest capacity (60Mvar) is located in Dango Substation. As a scientific research project, the magnetically-controlled reactors are put into this project. From design, R&D, production to subsequent transportation, installation, and commissioning, the entire team overcame many difficulties and finally put all the five reactors into operation successfully, making significant contributions to maintaining the power quality and efficient transmission in the entire national power grid.