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Vice President Ai Wei Visits Wuxi Suntech for New Energy Cooperation

Release time:2018-07-27 Article source: Reading times: A+AA-

On July 26, Vice President Ai Wei led a CMEC delegation to visit Wuxi Suntech Power Company. The two parties discussed in depth new modes of cooperation and development in the new energy sector. Wuxi Suntech Chairman Zhang Fubo and President He Shuangquan received the delegation.

After the delegation visited the Suntech eco-building, operation center and cell and module plant, Suntech President introduced in details their development in recent years, especially the steady business development since the Suntech reorganization in 2014 and the rapid growth of overseas orders in 2017 and 2018, which laid a sound foundation for the in-depth cooperation between the two parties. Related Suntech officials also explained in details Suntech’s plant operation status, layout of sales, supply chain management, current status of research and development and distributed business.
Vic President Ai Wei analyzed the cooperation prospect of the two parties in combination of CMEC’s overseas energy engineering projects and photovoltaic export business and Suntech’s advantage in overseas orders under and for future execution. He suggested seizing the opportunity of current business growth in India and Saudi Arabia, tapping into the facility of CMEC establishing a factory in Indian Chennai industrial park for processing and rapidly developing from photovoltaic module export to capacity cooperation, so as to deepen collaboration for win-win result in both photovoltaic module export and overseas engineering construction.